National Symbol of WIS


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The maintainace of the belief in the Christian deity requires avoidance, ignoring, and rejection of challenging beliefs producing ignorance.  The belief harms the interests of the individual and others which qualifies it as stupid.  The following is the explanation for the previous statements and most of it applies to all monotheism, but Christianity is the National Symbol of Willed Ignorance and Stupidity in the United States.  

The National Symbol of Willed Ignorance and Stupidity.  


Obedience for Reward


Deity worship begins with the idea that tyranny is all that exists.  The adherent agrees to obey the deity for what the deity can provide him, which he believes is all things.  


No Evidence of Any Supernatural Intervention


This is categorically false because there’s no evidence that any result on this planet was ever produced through a supernatural cause.  


Purpose of Creation Servitude or Torment


The monotheist believes their deity created human beings to worship the deity or to be tormented by the deity.  What values motivate the act of creation?  The deity values the control of others and the torment of others, since those are the purposes of the creation, obedience or torment.  Since those who believe and obey the deity go to heaven to be subjects within his eternal kingdom, and those who do not believe or obey are sent to be eternally tormented, then those are the purposes of existence motivated by the deity’s desire to control others and witness the suffering of the disobedient. 


The Deity’s Conception of Righteousness 


In the Old testament Abraham was counted as righteous by the deity after he did what?  Prepared to murder his own child by the command of the deity.  The deity doesn’t value right, because it is wrong to murder a child.  If the deity valued right and Abraham refused to do evil even for the alleged most powerful deity in existence, then the deity would say he’s righteous.  Instead the deity called him righteous because he was obedient unto evil against someone that he loved.  Righteousness in the eyes of the deity equals obedience.  Obedience is the deity’s highest value, motivated by the desire to control for whatever satisfaction the control of others supplies.   


The Deity’s Hypocrisy 


The greatest commandment is to love the deity with all your mind, heart, body, and spirit, and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself.  Yet the deity does not love you as he commands you to love him, and does not love you as he loves himself.  This is evident by the fact that the deity would not want to be created for eternal servitude or eternal torment; and that is evident by the nature of the deity’s relationship with human beings, where he cannot both not mind existing in eternal servitude, and have the desire to control others and be content.  


Objective Morality


We know what is right and what is wrong, because the human constant is desire.  In fact the universal constant for any conscious being is desire.  All people want to do what they want to do at all times.  All people can do as they please so long as the actions of one do not interfere with the actions of others, and all people have adequate opportunities to have time, money, and know-how.  The basis for right and wrong is whether an act is unimposing or imposing, including systemic functions that determine the circumstances of others.  The justification for imposition is to prevent or neutralize imposition, or in justice as a means of restoring an injured party. 


By prohibiting only acts that impose on others all people are free to do as they please, which is ideal.  Ideal not only for human beings, but ideal in any area, setting, or space consisting of multiple beings.  This produces the maximum amount of subjective expression, because subjective expression isn’t limited by the subjective preferences of one being or a group of beings.  


Moral Duality 


Anyone who claims an unimposing act is wrong is imposing a subjective preference onto others, and any act that is imposing that one claims to be right is obviously imposition.  This is the moral duality, objective liberty based morality, or subjective tyranny based morality.    


Moral Function


Morality isn’t only ideas of right and wrong but it is a determinant of conscious motion.  Morality is a standard which is a value that a person sees themself through.  Violating one’s morality causes people to see themself as something they don’t like which produces a loss of self worth and negative feelings.  Subconsciously a person rarely has objectives that violate morality because the subconscious aims to create objectives that produce positive feelings.  This is also why objectives can be created that violate moral standards because the feelings derived from an objective may be worth the loss of self worth.  


There’s various factors that determine the influence of morality on behavior, and obviously different moral rules carry different weight and influence.  The point is in establishing that morality is a determinant of conscious motion.  


How Deity Worship Contaminates Moral Application


Deity worshippers’ morality functions slightly differently than non-deity worshippers.  The difference is the deity worshiper’s self worth is determined by how they perceive the deity perceiving them, which serves as the basis for how they see themselves.  This typically degrades moral application because the believer doesn’t feel bad for committing morally wrong acts that they believe the deity forgives.  The act doesn’t change the deity’s opinion of the believer in the believers mind and consequently doesn’t change the believers opinion of himself, so there is no negative feeling from a loss of self worth attached to the act to prevent it, or the feeling is so fleeting as to not be a deterrent to the act.  To put it another way, the pleasure derived from an act believed to be morally wrong will always be worth a small, fleeting, or non-existent loss of self worth that comes from ideas that the deity understands and forgives.  More importantly, since the deity is a construction of the believers mind the believer sees the deity as understanding what they do, and sees the deity as forgiving of their wrong doing.




The central tenet of Christianity is that an inept deity created a species that couldn’t live up to his standards so he sent his son to be sacrificed for these inherent shortcomings and whoever believes in him lives in a paradise of eternal servitude, and whoever does not is tormented for eternity.  


If consciousness survives death there are likely separate spaces for consciousness to survive to, to ensure 1: all beings get what they want, and 2: to accommodate different modes of moral operation.  In 1: no being had a choice in whether or not to exist, and so those who desire to impose on others should be able to continue to exist in an environment where all beings have the opportunity to impose on one another, and those who prefer not to impose on others and not be imposed on should be able to exist in a such an environment.  2: The propensity of the morally objective to prevent and neutralize imposition is in conflict with the propensity of the subjectively moral to impose on others to advance their interests.  


The deity’s  forgiveness based on acknowledgement is a recipe to mix the objectively and subjectively moral in the same space which produces eternal conflict.  Nevermind that one thing had nothing to do with the other, in that Jesus being crucified for interfering with and lying to a population under foreign occupation has nothing to do with the wrong perpetrated by those who came before him and after him.  


Nobody Is Perfect


The idea is that nobody is perfect so people need redeeming because the deity is perfect.  While it is true nobody is perfect, perfect moral application is achievable in the sense that a person does not intend to impose on others, which isn’t to say that they may not impose inadvertently, or that circumstances cannot be created around the individual to provoke imposing intent, but it isn’t difficult to intend no imposition which is the basis for moral right 


Justice Negates Forgiveness 


Forgiveness isn’t required and often only serves a purpose to the forgiver based on the feelings they’ve derived from ideas about forgiveness.  If a person imposes on someone else and they recognize that they’ve done wrong, the perpetrator will make efforts to restore the victim to whole.  This is justice, and in justice, when a wrong act has been made right, there is nothing to forgive.  


Growth Negates Forgiveness 


Second, when a person commits a wrong act they are acting based on a specific set of circumstances and the understanding that they possess in that moment.  If they’re no longer operating out of that understanding and would no longer act the same way if confronted with those circumstances they are essentially a different person, notwithstanding fluctuations in mood.  If someone says something a child doesn’t like when they’re 7 years old and they hit the person who said it, 20 years later they’re no longer the person who hits people that says things to them that they don’t like.  So there’s no need for forgiveness, because they’re functionally not the same person. 


How Forgiveness Limits Moral Growth, 


Among the Christian deity worshippers as previously mentioned the idea that the deity forgives prevents the moral growth of the individual.  When a person loses self worth from committing an act they believe is wrong, that self worth is restored through analysis of the incident.  Sometimes through justification, where there are circumstances that cause a wrong act to be right.  More often through false justification where the individual interprets the circumstances in a way that creates a justification for their actions.  Self worth can be restored through justice, in making the wrong act right.  Or by understanding why they did what they did to respond differently in the future.  


Forgiveness by an Unaffected Party Harms the Victim


In addition to forgiveness if consciousness survives death producing eternal conflict, there is no need for forgiveness when the victim has been restored, there is no need for forgiveness when a person operates out of a different understanding than the understanding that produced the imposition, forgiveness produces the retardation of moral development, and  forgiveness also seeks to deprive victims of justice.  If person A harms person B the deity has suffered nothing to forgive.  Forgiving person A for confessing a belief that a man was sacrificed for that harm, denied person B justice and excuses the evil perpetrated against him, which also harms person B further in excusing what he suffered.  Imagine your child is murdered by someone, you attend the court date and the judge says I’m forgiving the defendant and all charges are dismissed.  This is what deity worshippers believe their deity does, forgives people for harm they’ve perpetrated against others.  


Conditioning to Tyranny


What scraps there are for living from the Christian deity  is conditioning to tyranny, which is why even the most devout followers do not apply these things in their own lives.  Turn the other cheek, to give your tunic to someone who wants to take your cloak, or to go two miles with someone who compels you to go one mile with them are teachings that advise followers to submit their will to the will of others.  Fundamentally misunderstanding the mode of operation of the tyrant commanding that his followers forgive in order to be forgiven.  The tyrant will impose on others when it serves his interest to do so, so long as the victim cannot resist and so long as there isn’t a consequence that harms the tyrant more than the act of imposition benefits the tyrant.  Forgiving a tyrant merely creates more opportunities for the tyrant to impose.


Responsibility for Ignorance


The Christian deity encourages ignorance through such false statements as all things done in ignorance will be forgiven.  Again, we’re not talking about offense and punishment in regard to the hereafter, we’re talking about understanding and application of morality, because morality is a determinant of conscious motion, those who impose and those who do not.  Secondly, what a person is ignorant of is determined by their values, what they like, determining where they direct their attention and what they become interested in.  Lastly, but most importantly, what a person is ignorant of is determined by their willingness to deceive themselves to maintain beliefs that produce positive feelings.  This is the root of all human problems, the refusal to accept information that challenges beliefs, and it contributes to what a person is ignorant of, as challenging information is avoided, ignored, and rejected.   


A Thorough Examination of the Christian Doctrine


In Liberty the Definitive Moral Truth the gospels are more thoroughly evaluated, but the essence of the Christian message is submission to tyranny.


The Deity and the Devil, and the Worship of Power


Your devil is your deity.  The deity describes the qualities and desires of the devil then proceeds to express these qualities through acts and commands.  The devil wants everyone to worship him, and Jesus wants everyone to worship him.   it’s the same thing, they both want to be worshiped and obeyed by others.  The theif comes not but lie, steal, and destroy.  Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, but commands Joshua to commit genocide and steal people’s land.  Murders the whole world (flood) because they refused to be obedient to him.  Thou shalt not commit adultery, but the deity pardons David for killing Uriah to take his wife, because David is obedient to the deity.  There’s no difference between what your deity describes the devil as being and wants, and what your deity is and wants, the only difference is in who you believe is more powerful.  That is what you worship, power.   


Ultimate Power is Righteous


What you fail to realize is that ultimate power is righteous, because righteousness serves individual interest.  Which means a creator would not be evil because he understands it to interfere in his own interests.  Something I’ll explain more thoroughly as we proceed.  


You don’t know what righteousness is because you’ve pledged obedience to the subjective, unideal, and contradictory dictates of a tyrant deity.  


Assigning External Causes to Internally Produced Effects


The only evidence you have for the deity is the assignment of internally produced feelings to external sources.  Thinking about ideas of the deity and stories surrounding the deity produce positive feelings that people believe represents evidence of the deity.  I remember a pentecostal preacher who used to say people could change his mind but not his heart.  Essentially saying no matter what anyone told him he knew his deity was real because of what he felt.  Of course what he felt was based on feelings generated by what he believed, and what he believed isn’t true.  He walks around in a false blissful bubble that cannot be penetrated because his beliefs must remain intact to feel the way he feels and do things in life he enjoys doing.  


Consequences of Self Deception  


This has consequences for his intelligence as he cannot learn things that challenge his beliefs, and his attention is directed by values built on these false beliefs, and their reinforcement.  It is detrimental to public interests for people to be less intelligent, in respect to the maximization of individual liberty, ability to produce, and identify and address problems that lead to inadequate opportunity for others.  


More importantly, any belief, deity based or otherwise, that people will not allow to be challenged, obstructs communication, precluding the establishment of fact, which prevents the identification and address of problems producing undesirable circumstances across the nation, and the world.  


It’s willed ignorance and stupidity because people choose the feeling produced by things that are not true, over the truth, which has negative consequences to the person and the public.  Christian identification is the advertisement of ignorance and stupidity.  


Implications of Deity Worship


The nature of existence is unknowable, but the problem isn’t that religious people are forming a belief about existence, the problem is that religious people believe in something that is fundamentally flawed and evil, and it influences behavior and has consequences to the public.  There are deeper implications of the belief, in a perception of the world that is controlled by magic, and not the actions of the people on this planet.  Ideas that the deity blesses and curses, that people’s misfortunes are the product of efforts to teach divine lessons, or punishment, and energy is spent on people imagining they are talking to a deity who can effect an outcome, despite there being no evidence of any result on this planet being produced supernaturally.   The point being people believe in something that they should know to be false.  That’s why religious symbolism, or subscription to religious beliefs is synonymous with willed ignorance.  I reiterate that to say that’s why people are willfully ignorant and stupid.  


My Beliefs, Most Probable.  


The following can be disagreed with and that is not evidence of willed ignorance or stupidity, because the following isn’t proveable, but it also isn’t in conflict with observations from the universe, consciousness ideal, and is not internally contradictory.  It’s a summary of the most probable explanation for existence based on how the universe operates and what it has produced, the problem faced by any eternal being or beings, the conscious experience, and ideal.  Since I’m criticizing what people believe, it seems appropriate to share my own beliefs pertaining to existence.  


The Universe


The universe began as hydrogen, and through the four natural forces stars were created.  During the lifetime of these stars other elements formed, and upon the expiration of these stars more elements formed.  As star creation and expiration took place more elements formed that led to the formation of more complex structures in planets.  On at least one of these planets conditions were conducive to the development of life.  


Random Generator of Objects and Life


Fundamentally, the universe exists to increase complexity, and the most complex thing the universe has produced is us.  Distinguished from all other life through language, which I believe is the basis for higher intelligence through development of the ability to sequence at length.  A different lecture.  The universe exists to increase complexity, that’s what it does, and the most complex thing it has produced is intelligent life.  The process is essentially random, in that you’re beginning with energy that is spread out from the source and with inflation, beginning as one element, and when conditions became appropriate, gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear forces mix the pot producing random complexity with the potential to randomly generate life.  


The Problem Faced by Eternal Beings


What purpose does it serve to create something that is the random generator of objects and life?  Eternity is a very long time.  Never ending in fact.  Imagine the earth and everything on it was all that existed, and every person was capable of manifesting their desires, to create and experience at will.  How long would it take before everyone was sick of doing everything, because they’ve done it all so many times that existence was a burden?  It doesn’t matter how long because eventually familiarity will dull existence.  Existence becomes stale for conscious beings whose knowledge of objects are limited, and whose duration of being is infinite.


If any being or beings exist who are eternal then they have this problem.  The solution to this problem is something that can randomly generate objects.  This problem 1: exists for any conception of an eternal being, and 2: is solved through exactly what the universe does. 


Objects Observed Can Be Reproduced


If such eternal beings exist and created the universe, or even if they can observe the universe, they have the information detailing everything the universe has ever produced.  A source of energy that can be atomically manipulated, possibly through consciousness, and anything that has ever existed can be created by configuring the atoms of the energy to assume the object that’s desired.  Not saying that I think this is how it works, just that the objects that the universe produces could be reproduced by eternal beings observing the universe.  


Survival of Consciousness After Death


As far as consciousness surviving death, I see it as probable for a number of reasons.  The first is because it is morally wrong to cause a conscious being to come into existence, who does not want to cease to exist, and then to cause them to stop existing.  It’s murder.  It’s also something that an eternal being doesn’t want for itself, to stop existing, making it unlikely it would create something for purposes it would not want to exist for.


Survival of Consciousness Advances Interests of Eternal Beings


The second reason I believe consciousness survives death is because it serves the purpose of creation and experience for eternal beings, to add creative beings with different experiences to enrich the space for creation and experience.  It seems like a great waste of novelty, when the eternal struggle is essentially the production of novelty.   It especially makes sense for a tyrant space since the tyrant seeks to control others, and I imagine new beings and more beings are probably more satisfying to control than the same beings moment after moment.  


Consciousness Survives to Morally Appropriate Spaces 


Moral understanding and application determines which space is appropriate for which surviving consciousness.  There is no soul saving mission attached to this.  Human beings fulfill their purpose whether they consist of people who are morally objective or morally subjective, because their experiences and what they produce still benefit these spaces, even if an entire species prefers tyranny.  I don’t care, and the creators don’t care what space any species chooses to survive to.  Although it is probably preferable in the maximization of novelty and including the perpetuation of the species for a species to be morally objective. My purposes for promoting this isn’t to lead people to moral objectivity so they survive to a morally objective space, my purpose for the promotion of moral objectivity is to benefit human beings on earth.  


Speculation About a Space of Liberty 


I have other ideas about what is possible in a space of liberty.  I mention experiences because I think it’s possible for something like a consciousness overlay, for consciousness to experience what any other being experienced in a particular moment.  Same mechanism: all the atomic information from a particular moment launches time from that moment and a being can experience through that information what the person felt in that moment while still being separate.  Same idea would apply to exploring timeline possibilities, reconstituting the atomic configuration of a particular moment and influencing different decisions to produce different outcomes from that moment.  If Tyson never met Don King, if the Nazis won WWII, if Kennedy wasn’t assassinated (probably not much difference) etc. 


Replacing Myths


Atheists may have a problem with this belief and think it’s the exchanging of one myth for another, but belief in this doesn’t harm human interests, and commands no belief through consequence.  Objective morality is ideal regardless of whether eternal beings exist, if the universe is the solution to the eternal problem, and whether or not consciousness survives death.  


Tyranny is Against the Interest of a Creator or Creators.


There is no god as described by the deities of human beings.  Any creator recognizes that it is against his interests to subordinate creatures to his subjective preferences.  Imposing subjective preferences limits subjective expression which reduces the potential for creation and experience, and limits the objects that could be created and be useful to a creator or creators.  Secondly, the creation and creator(s) have a relationship that consists of mutual benefit.  


Creators and Creation Exist for Mutual Benefit


The creator(s) benefit from everything produced by the creation, furnishing objects and experience required to perpetuate eternal creation and experience.  The creation benefits from existing and presumably joining a population where they can create and experience in an environment absent imposition, or in an environment where they can impose on one another.  This is a relationship that can extend infinitely upwards so to speak.  That is to say, an eternal space of liberty and tyranny benefits from the random generation of objects and life produced by the universe, and if anything exists beyond the eternal spaces of liberty and tyranny, it will benefit from what is produced by those spaces.  Anything existing beyond that benefits from what is produced below it.  

The National Symbol of Willed Ignorance and Stupidity.  


Obedience for Reward


Deity worship begins with the idea that tyranny is all that exists.  The adherent agrees to obey the deity for what the deity can provide him, which he believes is all things.  


No Evidence of Any Supernatural Intervention


This is categorically false because there’s no evidence that any result on this planet was ever produced through a supernatural cause.  


Purpose of Creation Servitude or Torment


The monotheist believes their deity created human beings to worship the deity or to be tormented by the deity.  What values motivate the act of creation?  The deity values the control of others and the torment of others, since those are the purposes of the creation, obedience or torment.  Since those who believe and obey the deity go to heaven to be subjects within his eternal kingdom, and those who do not believe or obey are sent to be eternally tormented, then those are the purposes of existence motivated by the deity’s desire to control others and witness the suffering of the disobedient. 


The Deity’s Conception of Righteousness 


In the Old testament Abraham was counted as righteous by the deity after he did what?  Prepared to murder his own child by the command of the deity.  The deity doesn’t value right, because it is wrong to murder a child.  If the deity valued right and Abraham refused to do evil even for the alleged most powerful deity in existence, then the deity would say he’s righteous.  Instead the deity called him righteous because he was obedient unto evil against someone that he loved.  Righteousness in the eyes of the deity equals obedience.  Obedience is the deity’s highest value, motivated by the desire to control for whatever satisfaction the control of others supplies.   


The Deity’s Hypocrisy 


The greatest commandment is to love the deity with all your mind, heart, body, and spirit, and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself.  Yet the deity does not love you as he commands you to love him, and does not love you as he loves himself.  This is evident by the fact that the deity would not want to be created for eternal servitude or eternal torment; and that is evident by the nature of the deity’s relationship with human beings, where he cannot both not mind existing in eternal servitude, and have the desire to control others and be content.  


Objective Morality


We know what is right and what is wrong, because the human constant is desire.  In fact the universal constant for any conscious being is desire.  All people want to do what they want to do at all times.  All people can do as they please so long as the actions of one do not interfere with the actions of others, and all people have adequate opportunities to have time, money, and know-how.  The basis for right and wrong is whether an act is unimposing or imposing, including systemic functions that determine the circumstances of others.  The justification for imposition is to prevent or neutralize imposition, or in justice as a means of restoring an injured party. 


By prohibiting only acts that impose on others all people are free to do as they please, which is ideal.  Ideal not only for human beings, but ideal in any area, setting, or space consisting of multiple beings.  This produces the maximum amount of subjective expression, because subjective expression isn’t limited by the subjective preferences of one being or a group of beings.  


Moral Duality 


Anyone who claims an unimposing act is wrong is imposing a subjective preference onto others, and any act that is imposing that one claims to be right is obviously imposition.  This is the moral duality, objective liberty based morality, or subjective tyranny based morality.    


Moral Function


Morality isn’t only ideas of right and wrong but it is a determinant of conscious motion.  Morality is a standard which is a value that a person sees themself through.  Violating one’s morality causes people to see themself as something they don’t like which produces a loss of self worth and negative feelings.  Subconsciously a person rarely has objectives that violate morality because the subconscious aims to create objectives that produce positive feelings.  This is also why objectives can be created that violate moral standards because the feelings derived from an objective may be worth the loss of self worth.  


There’s various factors that determine the influence of morality on behavior, and obviously different moral rules carry different weight and influence.  The point is in establishing that morality is a determinant of conscious motion.  


How Deity Worship Contaminates Moral Application


Deity worshippers’ morality functions slightly differently than non-deity worshippers.  The difference is the deity worshiper’s self worth is determined by how they perceive the deity perceiving them, which serves as the basis for how they see themselves.  This typically degrades moral application because the believer doesn’t feel bad for committing morally wrong acts that they believe the deity forgives.  The act doesn’t change the deity’s opinion of the believer in the believers mind and consequently doesn’t change the believers opinion of himself, so there is no negative feeling from a loss of self worth attached to the act to prevent it, or the feeling is so fleeting as to not be a deterrent to the act.  To put it another way, the pleasure derived from an act believed to be morally wrong will always be worth a small, fleeting, or non-existent loss of self worth that comes from ideas that the deity understands and forgives.  More importantly, since the deity is a construction of the believers mind the believer sees the deity as understanding what they do, and sees the deity as forgiving of their wrong doing.




The central tenet of Christianity is that an inept deity created a species that couldn’t live up to his standards so he sent his son to be sacrificed for these inherent shortcomings and whoever believes in him lives in a paradise of eternal servitude, and whoever does not is tormented for eternity.  


If consciousness survives death there are likely separate spaces for consciousness to survive to, to ensure 1: all beings get what they want, and 2: to accommodate different modes of moral operation.  In 1: no being had a choice in whether or not to exist, and so those who desire to impose on others should be able to continue to exist in an environment where all beings have the opportunity to impose on one another, and those who prefer not to impose on others and not be imposed on should be able to exist in a such an environment.  2: The propensity of the morally objective to prevent and neutralize imposition is in conflict with the propensity of the subjectively moral to impose on others to advance their interests.  


The deity’s  forgiveness based on acknowledgement is a recipe to mix the objectively and subjectively moral in the same space which produces eternal conflict.  Nevermind that one thing had nothing to do with the other, in that Jesus being crucified for interfering with and lying to a population under foreign occupation has nothing to do with the wrong perpetrated by those who came before him and after him.  


Nobody Is Perfect


The idea is that nobody is perfect so people need redeeming because the deity is perfect.  While it is true nobody is perfect, perfect moral application is achievable in the sense that a person does not intend to impose on others, which isn’t to say that they may not impose inadvertently, or that circumstances cannot be created around the individual to provoke imposing intent, but it isn’t difficult to intend no imposition which is the basis for moral right 


Justice Negates Forgiveness 


Forgiveness isn’t required and often only serves a purpose to the forgiver based on the feelings they’ve derived from ideas about forgiveness.  If a person imposes on someone else and they recognize that they’ve done wrong, the perpetrator will make efforts to restore the victim to whole.  This is justice, and in justice, when a wrong act has been made right, there is nothing to forgive.  


Growth Negates Forgiveness 


Second, when a person commits a wrong act they are acting based on a specific set of circumstances and the understanding that they possess in that moment.  If they’re no longer operating out of that understanding and would no longer act the same way if confronted with those circumstances they are essentially a different person, notwithstanding fluctuations in mood.  If someone says something a child doesn’t like when they’re 7 years old and they hit the person who said it, 20 years later they’re no longer the person who hits people that says things to them that they don’t like.  So there’s no need for forgiveness, because they’re functionally not the same person. 


How Forgiveness Limits Moral Growth, 


Among the Christian deity worshippers as previously mentioned the idea that the deity forgives prevents the moral growth of the individual.  When a person loses self worth from committing an act they believe is wrong, that self worth is restored through analysis of the incident.  Sometimes through justification, where there are circumstances that cause a wrong act to be right.  More often through false justification where the individual interprets the circumstances in a way that creates a justification for their actions.  Self worth can be restored through justice, in making the wrong act right.  Or by understanding why they did what they did to respond differently in the future.  


Forgiveness by an Unaffected Party Harms the Victim


In addition to forgiveness if consciousness survives death producing eternal conflict, there is no need for forgiveness when the victim has been restored, there is no need for forgiveness when a person operates out of a different understanding than the understanding that produced the imposition, forgiveness produces the retardation of moral development, and  forgiveness also seeks to deprive victims of justice.  If person A harms person B the deity has suffered nothing to forgive.  Forgiving person A for confessing a belief that a man was sacrificed for that harm, denied person B justice and excuses the evil perpetrated against him, which also harms person B further in excusing what he suffered.  Imagine your child is murdered by someone, you attend the court date and the judge says I’m forgiving the defendant and all charges are dismissed.  This is what deity worshippers believe their deity does, forgives people for harm they’ve perpetrated against others.  


Conditioning to Tyranny


What scraps there are for living from the Christian deity  is conditioning to tyranny, which is why even the most devout followers do not apply these things in their own lives.  Turn the other cheek, to give your tunic to someone who wants to take your cloak, or to go two miles with someone who compels you to go one mile with them are teachings that advise followers to submit their will to the will of others.  Fundamentally misunderstanding the mode of operation of the tyrant commanding that his followers forgive in order to be forgiven.  The tyrant will impose on others when it serves his interest to do so, so long as the victim cannot resist and so long as there isn’t a consequence that harms the tyrant more than the act of imposition benefits the tyrant.  Forgiving a tyrant merely creates more opportunities for the tyrant to impose.


Responsibility for Ignorance


The Christian deity encourages ignorance through such false statements as all things done in ignorance will be forgiven.  Again, we’re not talking about offense and punishment in regard to the hereafter, we’re talking about understanding and application of morality, because morality is a determinant of conscious motion, those who impose and those who do not.  Secondly, what a person is ignorant of is determined by their values, what they like, determining where they direct their attention and what they become interested in.  Lastly, but most importantly, what a person is ignorant of is determined by their willingness to deceive themselves to maintain beliefs that produce positive feelings.  This is the root of all human problems, the refusal to accept information that challenges beliefs, and it contributes to what a person is ignorant of, as challenging information is avoided, ignored, and rejected.   


A Thorough Examination of the Christian Doctrine


In Liberty the Definitive Moral Truth the gospels are more thoroughly evaluated, but the essence of the Christian message is submission to tyranny.


The Deity and the Devil, and the Worship of Power


Your devil is your deity.  The deity describes the qualities and desires of the devil then proceeds to express these qualities through acts and commands.  The devil wants everyone to worship him, and Jesus wants everyone to worship him.   it’s the same thing, they both want to be worshiped and obeyed by others.  The theif comes not but lie, steal, and destroy.  Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, but commands Joshua to commit genocide and steal people’s land.  Murders the whole world (flood) because they refused to be obedient to him.  Thou shalt not commit adultery, but the deity pardons David for killing Uriah to take his wife, because David is obedient to the deity.  There’s no difference between what your deity describes the devil as being and wants, and what your deity is and wants, the only difference is in who you believe is more powerful.  That is what you worship, power.   


Ultimate Power is Righteous


What you fail to realize is that ultimate power is righteous, because righteousness serves individual interest.  Which means a creator would not be evil because he understands it to interfere in his own interests.  Something I’ll explain more thoroughly as we proceed.  


You don’t know what righteousness is because you’ve pledged obedience to the subjective, unideal, and contradictory dictates of a tyrant deity.  


Assigning External Causes to Internally Produced Effects


The only evidence you have for the deity is the assignment of internally produced feelings to external sources.  Thinking about ideas of the deity and stories surrounding the deity produce positive feelings that people believe represents evidence of the deity.  I remember a pentecostal preacher who used to say people could change his mind but not his heart.  Essentially saying no matter what anyone told him he knew his deity was real because of what he felt.  Of course what he felt was based on feelings generated by what he believed, and what he believed isn’t true.  He walks around in a false blissful bubble that cannot be penetrated because his beliefs must remain intact to feel the way he feels and do things in life he enjoys doing.  


Consequences of Self Deception  


This has consequences for his intelligence as he cannot learn things that challenge his beliefs, and his attention is directed by values built on these false beliefs, and their reinforcement.  It is detrimental to public interests for people to be less intelligent, in respect to the maximization of individual liberty, ability to produce, and identify and address problems that lead to inadequate opportunity for others.  


More importantly, any belief, deity based or otherwise, that people will not allow to be challenged, obstructs communication, precluding the establishment of fact, which prevents the identification and address of problems producing undesirable circumstances across the nation, and the world.  


It’s willed ignorance and stupidity because people choose the feeling produced by things that are not true, over the truth, which has negative consequences to the person and the public.  Christian identification is the advertisement of ignorance and stupidity.  


Implications of Deity Worship


The nature of existence is unknowable, but the problem isn’t that religious people are forming a belief about existence, the problem is that religious people believe in something that is fundamentally flawed and evil, and it influences behavior and has consequences to the public.  There are deeper implications of the belief, in a perception of the world that is controlled by magic, and not the actions of the people on this planet.  Ideas that the deity blesses and curses, that people’s misfortunes are the product of efforts to teach divine lessons, or punishment, and energy is spent on people imagining they are talking to a deity who can effect an outcome, despite there being no evidence of any result on this planet being produced supernaturally.   The point being people believe in something that they should know to be false.  That’s why religious symbolism, or subscription to religious beliefs is synonymous with willed ignorance.  I reiterate that to say that’s why people are willfully ignorant and stupid.  


My Beliefs, Most Probable.  


The following can be disagreed with and that is not evidence of willed ignorance or stupidity, because the following isn’t proveable, but it also isn’t in conflict with observations from the universe, consciousness ideal, and is not internally contradictory.  It’s a summary of the most probable explanation for existence based on how the universe operates and what it has produced, the problem faced by any eternal being or beings, the conscious experience, and ideal.  Since I’m criticizing what people believe, it seems appropriate to share my own beliefs pertaining to existence.  


The Universe


The universe began as hydrogen, and through the four natural forces stars were created.  During the lifetime of these stars other elements formed, and upon the expiration of these stars more elements formed.  As star creation and expiration took place more elements formed that led to the formation of more complex structures in planets.  On at least one of these planets conditions were conducive to the development of life.  


Random Generator of Objects and Life


Fundamentally, the universe exists to increase complexity, and the most complex thing the universe has produced is us.  Distinguished from all other life through language, which I believe is the basis for higher intelligence through development of the ability to sequence at length.  A different lecture.  The universe exists to increase complexity, that’s what it does, and the most complex thing it has produced is intelligent life.  The process is essentially random, in that you’re beginning with energy that is spread out from the source and with inflation, beginning as one element, and when conditions became appropriate, gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear forces mix the pot producing random complexity with the potential to randomly generate life.  


The Problem Faced by Eternal Beings


What purpose does it serve to create something that is the random generator of objects and life?  Eternity is a very long time.  Never ending in fact.  Imagine the earth and everything on it was all that existed, and every person was capable of manifesting their desires, to create and experience at will.  How long would it take before everyone was sick of doing everything, because they’ve done it all so many times that existence was a burden?  It doesn’t matter how long because eventually familiarity will dull existence.  Existence becomes stale for conscious beings whose knowledge of objects are limited, and whose duration of being is infinite.


If any being or beings exist who are eternal then they have this problem.  The solution to this problem is something that can randomly generate objects.  This problem 1: exists for any conception of an eternal being, and 2: is solved through exactly what the universe does. 


Objects Observed Can Be Reproduced


If such eternal beings exist and created the universe, or even if they can observe the universe, they have the information detailing everything the universe has ever produced.  A source of energy that can be atomically manipulated, possibly through consciousness, and anything that has ever existed can be created by configuring the atoms of the energy to assume the object that’s desired.  Not saying that I think this is how it works, just that the objects that the universe produces could be reproduced by eternal beings observing the universe.  


Survival of Consciousness After Death


As far as consciousness surviving death, I see it as probable for a number of reasons.  The first is because it is morally wrong to cause a conscious being to come into existence, who does not want to cease to exist, and then to cause them to stop existing.  It’s murder.  It’s also something that an eternal being doesn’t want for itself, to stop existing, making it unlikely it would create something for purposes it would not want to exist for.


Survival of Consciousness Advances Interests of Eternal Beings


The second reason I believe consciousness survives death is because it serves the purpose of creation and experience for eternal beings, to add creative beings with different experiences to enrich the space for creation and experience.  It seems like a great waste of novelty, when the eternal struggle is essentially the production of novelty.   It especially makes sense for a tyrant space since the tyrant seeks to control others, and I imagine new beings and more beings are probably more satisfying to control than the same beings moment after moment.  


Consciousness Survives to Morally Appropriate Spaces 


Moral understanding and application determines which space is appropriate for which surviving consciousness.  There is no soul saving mission attached to this.  Human beings fulfill their purpose whether they consist of people who are morally objective or morally subjective, because their experiences and what they produce still benefit these spaces, even if an entire species prefers tyranny.  I don’t care, and the creators don’t care what space any species chooses to survive to.  Although it is probably preferable in the maximization of novelty and including the perpetuation of the species for a species to be morally objective. My purposes for promoting this isn’t to lead people to moral objectivity so they survive to a morally objective space, my purpose for the promotion of moral objectivity is to benefit human beings on earth.  


Speculation About a Space of Liberty 


I have other ideas about what is possible in a space of liberty.  I mention experiences because I think it’s possible for something like a consciousness overlay, for consciousness to experience what any other being experienced in a particular moment.  Same mechanism: all the atomic information from a particular moment launches time from that moment and a being can experience through that information what the person felt in that moment while still being separate.  Same idea would apply to exploring timeline possibilities, reconstituting the atomic configuration of a particular moment and influencing different decisions to produce different outcomes from that moment.  If Tyson never met Don King, if the Nazis won WWII, if Kennedy wasn’t assassinated (probably not much difference) etc. 


Replacing Myths


Atheists may have a problem with this belief and think it’s the exchanging of one myth for another, but belief in this doesn’t harm human interests, and commands no belief through consequence.  Objective morality is ideal regardless of whether eternal beings exist, if the universe is the solution to the eternal problem, and whether or not consciousness survives death.  


Tyranny is Against the Interest of a Creator or Creators.


There is no god as described by the deities of human beings.  Any creator recognizes that it is against his interests to subordinate creatures to his subjective preferences.  Imposing subjective preferences limits subjective expression which reduces the potential for creation and experience, and limits the objects that could be created and be useful to a creator or creators.  Secondly, the creation and creator(s) have a relationship that consists of mutual benefit.  


Creators and Creation Exist for Mutual Benefit


The creator(s) benefit from everything produced by the creation, furnishing objects and experience required to perpetuate eternal creation and experience.  The creation benefits from existing and presumably joining a population where they can create and experience in an environment absent imposition, or in an environment where they can impose on one another.  This is a relationship that can extend infinitely upwards so to speak.  That is to say, an eternal space of liberty and tyranny benefits from the random generation of objects and life produced by the universe, and if anything exists beyond the eternal spaces of liberty and tyranny, it will benefit from what is produced by those spaces.  Anything existing beyond that benefits from what is produced below it.  

The National Symbol of Willed Ignorance and Stupidity.  


Obedience for Reward


Deity worship begins with the idea that tyranny is all that exists.  The adherent agrees to obey the deity for what the deity can provide him, which he believes is all things.  


No Evidence of Any Supernatural Intervention


This is categorically false because there’s no evidence that any result on this planet was ever produced through a supernatural cause.  


Purpose of Creation Servitude or Torment


The monotheist believes their deity created human beings to worship the deity or to be tormented by the deity.  What values motivate the act of creation?  The deity values the control of others and the torment of others, since those are the purposes of the creation, obedience or torment.  Since those who believe and obey the deity go to heaven to be subjects within his eternal kingdom, and those who do not believe or obey are sent to be eternally tormented, then those are the purposes of existence motivated by the deity’s desire to control others and witness the suffering of the disobedient. 


The Deity’s Conception of Righteousness 


In the Old testament Abraham was counted as righteous by the deity after he did what?  Prepared to murder his own child by the command of the deity.  The deity doesn’t value right, because it is wrong to murder a child.  If the deity valued right and Abraham refused to do evil even for the alleged most powerful deity in existence, then the deity would say he’s righteous.  Instead the deity called him righteous because he was obedient unto evil against someone that he loved.  Righteousness in the eyes of the deity equals obedience.  Obedience is the deity’s highest value, motivated by the desire to control for whatever satisfaction the control of others supplies.   


The Deity’s Hypocrisy 


The greatest commandment is to love the deity with all your mind, heart, body, and spirit, and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself.  Yet the deity does not love you as he commands you to love him, and does not love you as he loves himself.  This is evident by the fact that the deity would not want to be created for eternal servitude or eternal torment; and that is evident by the nature of the deity’s relationship with human beings, where he cannot both not mind existing in eternal servitude, and have the desire to control others and be content.  


Objective Morality


We know what is right and what is wrong, because the human constant is desire.  In fact the universal constant for any conscious being is desire.  All people want to do what they want to do at all times.  All people can do as they please so long as the actions of one do not interfere with the actions of others, and all people have adequate opportunities to have time, money, and know-how.  The basis for right and wrong is whether an act is unimposing or imposing, including systemic functions that determine the circumstances of others.  The justification for imposition is to prevent or neutralize imposition, or in justice as a means of restoring an injured party. 


By prohibiting only acts that impose on others all people are free to do as they please, which is ideal.  Ideal not only for human beings, but ideal in any area, setting, or space consisting of multiple beings.  This produces the maximum amount of subjective expression, because subjective expression isn’t limited by the subjective preferences of one being or a group of beings.  


Moral Duality 


Anyone who claims an unimposing act is wrong is imposing a subjective preference onto others, and any act that is imposing that one claims to be right is obviously imposition.  This is the moral duality, objective liberty based morality, or subjective tyranny based morality.    


Moral Function


Morality isn’t only ideas of right and wrong but it is a determinant of conscious motion.  Morality is a standard which is a value that a person sees themself through.  Violating one’s morality causes people to see themself as something they don’t like which produces a loss of self worth and negative feelings.  Subconsciously a person rarely has objectives that violate morality because the subconscious aims to create objectives that produce positive feelings.  This is also why objectives can be created that violate moral standards because the feelings derived from an objective may be worth the loss of self worth.  


There’s various factors that determine the influence of morality on behavior, and obviously different moral rules carry different weight and influence.  The point is in establishing that morality is a determinant of conscious motion.  


How Deity Worship Contaminates Moral Application


Deity worshippers’ morality functions slightly differently than non-deity worshippers.  The difference is the deity worshiper’s self worth is determined by how they perceive the deity perceiving them, which serves as the basis for how they see themselves.  This typically degrades moral application because the believer doesn’t feel bad for committing morally wrong acts that they believe the deity forgives.  The act doesn’t change the deity’s opinion of the believer in the believers mind and consequently doesn’t change the believers opinion of himself, so there is no negative feeling from a loss of self worth attached to the act to prevent it, or the feeling is so fleeting as to not be a deterrent to the act.  To put it another way, the pleasure derived from an act believed to be morally wrong will always be worth a small, fleeting, or non-existent loss of self worth that comes from ideas that the deity understands and forgives.  More importantly, since the deity is a construction of the believers mind the believer sees the deity as understanding what they do, and sees the deity as forgiving of their wrong doing.




The central tenet of Christianity is that an inept deity created a species that couldn’t live up to his standards so he sent his son to be sacrificed for these inherent shortcomings and whoever believes in him lives in a paradise of eternal servitude, and whoever does not is tormented for eternity.  


If consciousness survives death there are likely separate spaces for consciousness to survive to, to ensure 1: all beings get what they want, and 2: to accommodate different modes of moral operation.  In 1: no being had a choice in whether or not to exist, and so those who desire to impose on others should be able to continue to exist in an environment where all beings have the opportunity to impose on one another, and those who prefer not to impose on others and not be imposed on should be able to exist in a such an environment.  2: The propensity of the morally objective to prevent and neutralize imposition is in conflict with the propensity of the subjectively moral to impose on others to advance their interests.  


The deity’s  forgiveness based on acknowledgement is a recipe to mix the objectively and subjectively moral in the same space which produces eternal conflict.  Nevermind that one thing had nothing to do with the other, in that Jesus being crucified for interfering with and lying to a population under foreign occupation has nothing to do with the wrong perpetrated by those who came before him and after him.  


Nobody Is Perfect


The idea is that nobody is perfect so people need redeeming because the deity is perfect.  While it is true nobody is perfect, perfect moral application is achievable in the sense that a person does not intend to impose on others, which isn’t to say that they may not impose inadvertently, or that circumstances cannot be created around the individual to provoke imposing intent, but it isn’t difficult to intend no imposition which is the basis for moral right 


Justice Negates Forgiveness 


Forgiveness isn’t required and often only serves a purpose to the forgiver based on the feelings they’ve derived from ideas about forgiveness.  If a person imposes on someone else and they recognize that they’ve done wrong, the perpetrator will make efforts to restore the victim to whole.  This is justice, and in justice, when a wrong act has been made right, there is nothing to forgive.  


Growth Negates Forgiveness 


Second, when a person commits a wrong act they are acting based on a specific set of circumstances and the understanding that they possess in that moment.  If they’re no longer operating out of that understanding and would no longer act the same way if confronted with those circumstances they are essentially a different person, notwithstanding fluctuations in mood.  If someone says something a child doesn’t like when they’re 7 years old and they hit the person who said it, 20 years later they’re no longer the person who hits people that says things to them that they don’t like.  So there’s no need for forgiveness, because they’re functionally not the same person. 


How Forgiveness Limits Moral Growth, 


Among the Christian deity worshippers as previously mentioned the idea that the deity forgives prevents the moral growth of the individual.  When a person loses self worth from committing an act they believe is wrong, that self worth is restored through analysis of the incident.  Sometimes through justification, where there are circumstances that cause a wrong act to be right.  More often through false justification where the individual interprets the circumstances in a way that creates a justification for their actions.  Self worth can be restored through justice, in making the wrong act right.  Or by understanding why they did what they did to respond differently in the future.  


Forgiveness by an Unaffected Party Harms the Victim


In addition to forgiveness if consciousness survives death producing eternal conflict, there is no need for forgiveness when the victim has been restored, there is no need for forgiveness when a person operates out of a different understanding than the understanding that produced the imposition, forgiveness produces the retardation of moral development, and  forgiveness also seeks to deprive victims of justice.  If person A harms person B the deity has suffered nothing to forgive.  Forgiving person A for confessing a belief that a man was sacrificed for that harm, denied person B justice and excuses the evil perpetrated against him, which also harms person B further in excusing what he suffered.  Imagine your child is murdered by someone, you attend the court date and the judge says I’m forgiving the defendant and all charges are dismissed.  This is what deity worshippers believe their deity does, forgives people for harm they’ve perpetrated against others.  


Conditioning to Tyranny


What scraps there are for living from the Christian deity  is conditioning to tyranny, which is why even the most devout followers do not apply these things in their own lives.  Turn the other cheek, to give your tunic to someone who wants to take your cloak, or to go two miles with someone who compels you to go one mile with them are teachings that advise followers to submit their will to the will of others.  Fundamentally misunderstanding the mode of operation of the tyrant commanding that his followers forgive in order to be forgiven.  The tyrant will impose on others when it serves his interest to do so, so long as the victim cannot resist and so long as there isn’t a consequence that harms the tyrant more than the act of imposition benefits the tyrant.  Forgiving a tyrant merely creates more opportunities for the tyrant to impose.


Responsibility for Ignorance


The Christian deity encourages ignorance through such false statements as all things done in ignorance will be forgiven.  Again, we’re not talking about offense and punishment in regard to the hereafter, we’re talking about understanding and application of morality, because morality is a determinant of conscious motion, those who impose and those who do not.  Secondly, what a person is ignorant of is determined by their values, what they like, determining where they direct their attention and what they become interested in.  Lastly, but most importantly, what a person is ignorant of is determined by their willingness to deceive themselves to maintain beliefs that produce positive feelings.  This is the root of all human problems, the refusal to accept information that challenges beliefs, and it contributes to what a person is ignorant of, as challenging information is avoided, ignored, and rejected.   


A Thorough Examination of the Christian Doctrine


In Liberty the Definitive Moral Truth the gospels are more thoroughly evaluated, but the essence of the Christian message is submission to tyranny.


The Deity and the Devil, and the Worship of Power


Your devil is your deity.  The deity describes the qualities and desires of the devil then proceeds to express these qualities through acts and commands.  The devil wants everyone to worship him, and Jesus wants everyone to worship him.   it’s the same thing, they both want to be worshiped and obeyed by others.  The theif comes not but lie, steal, and destroy.  Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, but commands Joshua to commit genocide and steal people’s land.  Murders the whole world (flood) because they refused to be obedient to him.  Thou shalt not commit adultery, but the deity pardons David for killing Uriah to take his wife, because David is obedient to the deity.  There’s no difference between what your deity describes the devil as being and wants, and what your deity is and wants, the only difference is in who you believe is more powerful.  That is what you worship, power.   


Ultimate Power is Righteous


What you fail to realize is that ultimate power is righteous, because righteousness serves individual interest.  Which means a creator would not be evil because he understands it to interfere in his own interests.  Something I’ll explain more thoroughly as we proceed.  


You don’t know what righteousness is because you’ve pledged obedience to the subjective, unideal, and contradictory dictates of a tyrant deity.  


Assigning External Causes to Internally Produced Effects


The only evidence you have for the deity is the assignment of internally produced feelings to external sources.  Thinking about ideas of the deity and stories surrounding the deity produce positive feelings that people believe represents evidence of the deity.  I remember a pentecostal preacher who used to say people could change his mind but not his heart.  Essentially saying no matter what anyone told him he knew his deity was real because of what he felt.  Of course what he felt was based on feelings generated by what he believed, and what he believed isn’t true.  He walks around in a false blissful bubble that cannot be penetrated because his beliefs must remain intact to feel the way he feels and do things in life he enjoys doing.  


Consequences of Self Deception  


This has consequences for his intelligence as he cannot learn things that challenge his beliefs, and his attention is directed by values built on these false beliefs, and their reinforcement.  It is detrimental to public interests for people to be less intelligent, in respect to the maximization of individual liberty, ability to produce, and identify and address problems that lead to inadequate opportunity for others.  


More importantly, any belief, deity based or otherwise, that people will not allow to be challenged, obstructs communication, precluding the establishment of fact, which prevents the identification and address of problems producing undesirable circumstances across the nation, and the world.  


It’s willed ignorance and stupidity because people choose the feeling produced by things that are not true, over the truth, which has negative consequences to the person and the public.  Christian identification is the advertisement of ignorance and stupidity.  


Implications of Deity Worship


The nature of existence is unknowable, but the problem isn’t that religious people are forming a belief about existence, the problem is that religious people believe in something that is fundamentally flawed and evil, and it influences behavior and has consequences to the public.  There are deeper implications of the belief, in a perception of the world that is controlled by magic, and not the actions of the people on this planet.  Ideas that the deity blesses and curses, that people’s misfortunes are the product of efforts to teach divine lessons, or punishment, and energy is spent on people imagining they are talking to a deity who can effect an outcome, despite there being no evidence of any result on this planet being produced supernaturally.   The point being people believe in something that they should know to be false.  That’s why religious symbolism, or subscription to religious beliefs is synonymous with willed ignorance.  I reiterate that to say that’s why people are willfully ignorant and stupid.  


My Beliefs, Most Probable.  


The following can be disagreed with and that is not evidence of willed ignorance or stupidity, because the following isn’t proveable, but it also isn’t in conflict with observations from the universe, consciousness ideal, and is not internally contradictory.  It’s a summary of the most probable explanation for existence based on how the universe operates and what it has produced, the problem faced by any eternal being or beings, the conscious experience, and ideal.  Since I’m criticizing what people believe, it seems appropriate to share my own beliefs pertaining to existence.  


The Universe


The universe began as hydrogen, and through the four natural forces stars were created.  During the lifetime of these stars other elements formed, and upon the expiration of these stars more elements formed.  As star creation and expiration took place more elements formed that led to the formation of more complex structures in planets.  On at least one of these planets conditions were conducive to the development of life.  


Random Generator of Objects and Life


Fundamentally, the universe exists to increase complexity, and the most complex thing the universe has produced is us.  Distinguished from all other life through language, which I believe is the basis for higher intelligence through development of the ability to sequence at length.  A different lecture.  The universe exists to increase complexity, that’s what it does, and the most complex thing it has produced is intelligent life.  The process is essentially random, in that you’re beginning with energy that is spread out from the source and with inflation, beginning as one element, and when conditions became appropriate, gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear forces mix the pot producing random complexity with the potential to randomly generate life.  


The Problem Faced by Eternal Beings


What purpose does it serve to create something that is the random generator of objects and life?  Eternity is a very long time.  Never ending in fact.  Imagine the earth and everything on it was all that existed, and every person was capable of manifesting their desires, to create and experience at will.  How long would it take before everyone was sick of doing everything, because they’ve done it all so many times that existence was a burden?  It doesn’t matter how long because eventually familiarity will dull existence.  Existence becomes stale for conscious beings whose knowledge of objects are limited, and whose duration of being is infinite.


If any being or beings exist who are eternal then they have this problem.  The solution to this problem is something that can randomly generate objects.  This problem 1: exists for any conception of an eternal being, and 2: is solved through exactly what the universe does. 


Objects Observed Can Be Reproduced


If such eternal beings exist and created the universe, or even if they can observe the universe, they have the information detailing everything the universe has ever produced.  A source of energy that can be atomically manipulated, possibly through consciousness, and anything that has ever existed can be created by configuring the atoms of the energy to assume the object that’s desired.  Not saying that I think this is how it works, just that the objects that the universe produces could be reproduced by eternal beings observing the universe.  


Survival of Consciousness After Death


As far as consciousness surviving death, I see it as probable for a number of reasons.  The first is because it is morally wrong to cause a conscious being to come into existence, who does not want to cease to exist, and then to cause them to stop existing.  It’s murder.  It’s also something that an eternal being doesn’t want for itself, to stop existing, making it unlikely it would create something for purposes it would not want to exist for.


Survival of Consciousness Advances Interests of Eternal Beings


The second reason I believe consciousness survives death is because it serves the purpose of creation and experience for eternal beings, to add creative beings with different experiences to enrich the space for creation and experience.  It seems like a great waste of novelty, when the eternal struggle is essentially the production of novelty.   It especially makes sense for a tyrant space since the tyrant seeks to control others, and I imagine new beings and more beings are probably more satisfying to control than the same beings moment after moment.  


Consciousness Survives to Morally Appropriate Spaces 


Moral understanding and application determines which space is appropriate for which surviving consciousness.  There is no soul saving mission attached to this.  Human beings fulfill their purpose whether they consist of people who are morally objective or morally subjective, because their experiences and what they produce still benefit these spaces, even if an entire species prefers tyranny.  I don’t care, and the creators don’t care what space any species chooses to survive to.  Although it is probably preferable in the maximization of novelty and including the perpetuation of the species for a species to be morally objective. My purposes for promoting this isn’t to lead people to moral objectivity so they survive to a morally objective space, my purpose for the promotion of moral objectivity is to benefit human beings on earth.  


Speculation About a Space of Liberty 


I have other ideas about what is possible in a space of liberty.  I mention experiences because I think it’s possible for something like a consciousness overlay, for consciousness to experience what any other being experienced in a particular moment.  Same mechanism: all the atomic information from a particular moment launches time from that moment and a being can experience through that information what the person felt in that moment while still being separate.  Same idea would apply to exploring timeline possibilities, reconstituting the atomic configuration of a particular moment and influencing different decisions to produce different outcomes from that moment.  If Tyson never met Don King, if the Nazis won WWII, if Kennedy wasn’t assassinated (probably not much difference) etc. 


Replacing Myths


Atheists may have a problem with this belief and think it’s the exchanging of one myth for another, but belief in this doesn’t harm human interests, and commands no belief through consequence.  Objective morality is ideal regardless of whether eternal beings exist, if the universe is the solution to the eternal problem, and whether or not consciousness survives death.  


Tyranny is Against the Interest of a Creator or Creators.


There is no god as described by the deities of human beings.  Any creator recognizes that it is against his interests to subordinate creatures to his subjective preferences.  Imposing subjective preferences limits subjective expression which reduces the potential for creation and experience, and limits the objects that could be created and be useful to a creator or creators.  Secondly, the creation and creator(s) have a relationship that consists of mutual benefit.  


Creators and Creation Exist for Mutual Benefit


The creator(s) benefit from everything produced by the creation, furnishing objects and experience required to perpetuate eternal creation and experience.  The creation benefits from existing and presumably joining a population where they can create and experience in an environment absent imposition, or in an environment where they can impose on one another.  This is a relationship that can extend infinitely upwards so to speak.  That is to say, an eternal space of liberty and tyranny benefits from the random generation of objects and life produced by the universe, and if anything exists beyond the eternal spaces of liberty and tyranny, it will benefit from what is produced by those spaces.  Anything existing beyond that benefits from what is produced below it.  

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