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My daughter, Ava Kali Simerl died at 19 years old. This book explores the potential causes of the decison she made to remove herself from this world. It features a 2 and a half year text log between Ava and her father offering a window into our relationship, but more importantly, revealing the beauty, intelligence, and uniqueness of who she was. In addition to sharing my daughter through this book, existience, morality, psychology, philosophy, and the general state of the world are discussed in this book in their relevancy to this event. Use code Free10 at check out to download for free. Click the picture to go to the product page.

The journal chronicles promotional efforts, surviving, analysis of human behavior, current events, moral application, among other noteworthy happenings. Click the the picture to access the page.

The Organization for Popular Legislation was an effort to establish a block of voters in contested districts to swing elections to one party or the other. OPL voters would vote for the candidate who would pass OPL legislation because the legislation would mean more to their direct interest than any difference between democrats and republicans. The goal was to control enough contested districts to swing the house from one party or the other based on whether the party would support the OPL legislative agenda. Click the logo to reach the page that features additional details including some of the legislative outlines that the organization began with.

The Supremacy of Bias uses social media exchanges of evidence of bias that obstructs communication and limits intelligence. The book consists of 14 social media exchanges and analysis serving as examples and evidence of value protective denial. Conclusions are reached through points that are avoided typically representing that they are either subconsciously rejected, or consciously ignored. These are examples of the human tendency to avoid, ignore, and reject information that challenges important beliefs. The supremacy of bias, is the root of all human problems, to choose beliefs based on feeling instead of observation. People living in the world they want to be instead of the world that is, which has consequences for others and moral implications.

The American Prosperity Proposals consists of five proposals to increase income opportunities for the bottom 50 percent of the income distribution. APP identifies impediments for low income income people to achieving higher incomes and qualifies the existence of widespread inadequacy of opportunity in the United States. A summary of OPL is provided as a vehicle to create the political will to achieve the adoption and passage of the proposals.

Liberty: The Definitive Moral Truth explains the functioning of morality as a set of values compared to acts, in Assignment, Sequencing, and Comparison.  Objective morality is introduced along with the principles that produce applicability, consistency, and individual ideal.  Individual ideal since all people have constant desire, and by only prohibiting acts that interfere with the acts of others all people are free to fulfill their desires.  Anything else is the imposition of subjective preference, which limits subjective expression, and limits potential motion and creation.  

          The first half establishes objective morality, the second half uses the measure of liberty to judge the tenets of the major world religions.  Christianity more comprehensively than others since most of the United States is Christian, so there isn’t much benefit in doing more than casual research in other religions.  The main concepts of these religions are compared to objectively moral standards.  There’s commentary on the implications of objective morality to the potentials of a creator, the survival of consciousness after death, and the most probable explanation for the existence of the universe.  

The Florida Ordeal is the record and preface to a trip to Florida that resulted in 2 felony charges and 4 misdemeanors for the possession of less than 3 grams of marijuana, 4 10mg gummy edibles, and a pipe with marijuana residue. The book chronicles my experience going to court and how I was able to use the leverage of misconduct by the public defender and the judge to achieve a favorable outcome.

Understanding Political Functions Through Recent Political History 2019-20 addresses popular misconceptions and demonstrates the functions of politics through stories occuring in 2019 and 2020. There are also chapters addressing popular misconceptions surrounding the founding intents, and the implications of money in politics, as well as reformation ideas, like the FCC Media Disclaimer and The Option for the Israel Palestine conflict.

Racial Perceptions: Addressing Popular Misconceptions that Contribute to Racial Divide establishes that race in the United States is not a source of any significant disadvantage and that systemic racism does not exist in this country.  This conclusion is reached by asking if race plays any role in determining opportunity and protection under the law, in the procurement of housing, education, employment, or services public or private.  Since most claims of systemic racism pertain to policing and criminal justice outcomes the popularly promoted examples of excessive force are evaluated, and studies suggesting that there is a racial component are analyzed.

Covid 19 Media Project: Identifying the Interests and Tactics Used to Create Hysteria establishes the risk of being infected with covid 19 and contrasts that risk to the risk being projected by the media and politicians by reviewing 8 popular news articles from the beginning of the outbreak. The main conclusion is that COVID did not represent a threat to public safety to justify police powers to impose on the rights of citizens, and danger was intentionally exaggerated to serve the interests of the media, politicians, industry, and others at a detriment to the public.

Assignment, Sequencing, and Comparison describes how the subconscious mind makes assignments to objects of cause and effect to understand motion and the potential to produce motion. The subconscious mind makes assignments of value to objects based on the feelings an object has produced or is likely to produce based on experience with similar objects. Objects are organized through cause and effect sequencing and sequences have assignments of true or false based on consistency or inconsistency with other sequences. Value comparisons are made to create objectives based on the value of an immediate objective and the energy required, between the immediate objective and other objectives that the immediate objective may have consequences for, and the value of the immediate objective and self, when the immediate objective is in conflict with moral or nonmoral standards which are identity based values. The perception of reality, thoughts, feelings, and behavior all take place through the framework of Assignment, Sequencing, and Comparison,

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  1. gregory garrett says:

    I like what you’re doing and I appreciate your work overall…well done

  2. Billie Hanson says:

    I am not sure what side of the coin you belong on. I am thrown by the merch that states Make America Great for the first time. Too much of a dog whistle and relation to TFP.
    What are you really about?
    Marijuana reform?

    • orioncs1 says:

      The product page states what Make America Great for the 1st time means, it means that outside of a nationalist bias there has never been a time in this country when America has been great for a majority of the people in this country or been perceived as positively great internationally. I don’t think it’s very difficult to understand what I am about, correcting unequal opportunities for time and money, as expressed through the ideas summarized on the solutions page, or in the book the American Prosperity Proposals. Also identifying self deception through Assignment, Sequencing, and Comparison and correcting self deception as well as other problems by understanding Liberty as the Basis of objective morality. There are 8 books, 10 plus videos, and nothing about marijuana reform. I am not a proponent of marijuana reform. Although marijuana is not a substance that creates imposing behavior within the consumers of it, the legalization of marijuana takes a moderate risk opportunity from disadvantaged people and gives it to advantaged people. As far as what side of the coin I am on the reason you can’t see that is because your perspective is limited to false duality of positions. Two groups of people who choose which side they want to take on issues they have no understanding of. That is also what I’m about, addressing popular misconceptions. Appreciate the comment.

  3. Tina Napier says:

    Very interesting indeed

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